

Every world

You can enable the view on every world by using the special value *.

- '*'

Particular world

You can enable the view a specific worlds by specifying their name.

- 'world'
- 'world_nether'

Matching worlds

You can enable the view on worlds which have their name which starts with or ends with a text.

In this example it will match every world of which name starts with world.

- 'world*'

In this example it will match every world of which name ends with _custom_world.

- '*_custom_world'

Container title

Use this setting to hide or show the inventory title.

show_title: true

Hide container view on some situations

Based on the player pose

You can hide the view if player is standing, sneaking, crawling or swimming.

    standing: true
    sneaking: true
    crawling: true
    swimming: true

Based on container type

You can disable the view for certain containers.

  ender_chest: true
  jukebox: true

Distance to trigger the preview

trigger_distance_blocks: 4

Special settings

These settings are for expert uses, you shouldn't really change them because they already are set on the optimal values.

    distance_y: 0.2
    distance_front: -1

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