Example cutscene

Here is a step by step guide on how to get a quick cutscene working. Please see the documentation for a detailed explanation.


Step 1

Open the editor by using the command /cinematic edit

Step 2

Create a new cutscene and give it a name.

Step 3

You are now in the editor! Go ahead and click the first node in the row with the camera icon in front of it.

Step 4

Now walk to a location where you want the camera to be. You can use spectator mode for more precise results. Then use the /cinematic input teleport command to confirm.

Step 5

Click on the node above the one you just edited for the camera and write '100'. This will make the animation wait 100 ticks before continuing to the next node.

Step 6

Click on the node right of the one you edited before. Now walk to a location where you want the camera to be. You can use spectator mode for more precise results. Then use the /cinematic input move 40 precise command to confirm. This will make a smooth animation from the first camera location to the current one.

Step 7

Click on the node above this new camera position and once again write '100'. This will make the animation wait 100 until the end instead of ending as soon as the new camera location is reached.

Step 8

Click on the play button (bottom) to start playing the cutscene. If you did everything correctly you should now have a camera path that smoothly pans between these two positions!


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