💻Commands and permissions


Play a cinematic

/cin play <name> [player]


Stop a cinematic

/cin stop <name> [player]


Access all the base cinematic editor commands.

/cin studio cinematic new <name>

Creases a new cinematic and opens its timeline.

/cin studio cinematic open <name>

Opens a cinematic and its timeline.

/cin studio actor single <name>

Start recording all your moves and actions to later play them in a cinematic.

/cin studio actor multiple <player1> <player2> ...

Start recording all the moves and actions of more than one player to later play them in a cinematic.

/cin input <value> [other values]

Use this command to input a value when asked in a GUI.

/cin tools copy-entity-nbt

Copy a vanilla entity NBT data (look at the entity while executing the command). This is useful to set the actor nbt data in the actor recording file, if you need more customization of the actor appearance.

Last updated